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Men of all ages come together to develop programs that benefit both our surrounding communities and our synagogue, from organizing lo-cal political speaker forums, or hosting a steak-&-brew Sukkah dinner, to honoring our graduates every year.

We are already planning Steak in the Sukkah, our annual Candidates Forum, World Wide Wrap, School Budget talks, and our Graduates Service.  Dates will be coming soon, as will additional programming and Guest Speakers.

In order to continue to bring you our tried and true programs as well as new and innovative ones, we need your support.  Please send your check for membership dues in the amount of $54.

Thank you for your continued support.

Your Men’s Club Officers

Joel Greenberg, President            (845) 628-2851 (or 6613)   joel.greenberg@arch-visions.com 
Ron Arsham, V.P.                          (845) 621-2154                    rlarsham@gmail.com 
Jeff Guest, Secretary/Treasurer   (914) 584-7111                     jeffguest@yahoo.com 

Send your check for $54 to:

Temple Beth Shalom Men’s Club
c/o Jeff Guest
252 Maple Brook Court
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785